Everything about the Ephedrine - Details

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Title:Everything about the Ephedrine - http://ephedrinediet.org/what-are-the-effects-and-side-effects-of-using-ephedra-for-weight-loss
Description:The most serious side effects related to ephedrine are heart attacks and strokes. According to a press report in 2005 by the FDA, ephedra extract can over-stimulate the circulatory system and cause serious heart problems. A brief history of heart conditions can increase the danger of heart attacks and strokes in ephedrine is used by people who. You will need to seek emergency medical care if rapid heartbeats, heart palpitations, dizziness, chest pain, back pain, jaw aches or seizures occur.
Link Owner:Julio Ziegler
Date Added:February 03, 2013 01:09:37 PM
Number Hits:0